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So far Learning has created 3 blog entries.

10 refugees who will change your perception of entrepreneurship

Despite substantial hardships, refugees are pushing the limits of what most people recognize as the general entrepreneur spirit. There is a resilience among refugee communities that enables them to thrive, not just to survive, and to be creative members of society. And why shouldn’t they? Before anything else, refugees are people – fathers, mothers, sons,

2020-06-09T14:20:06+00:00Latest News|

Famous musicians from refugee families

History is replete with immigrants who have brought economic, entrepreneurial and artistic skills with them, from the Flemish weavers who came to England in the 14th century to the millions of Europeans who emigrated to America in the late 19th. Today’s refugees and migrants also have plenty to offer. For too many people, being a

2020-06-09T14:28:46+00:00Latest News|
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